
One of the Grey family's most encouraged mottoes and something Chrissy and I always like to instil in the kids is this:

"Nothing will get you farther in life than the ability to laugh at yourself."

Our house has a ban on huffs and if someone teases you, you're taught to laugh and tease back.

So, with this blog, there are going to be times when something I say might unintentionally offend you and you may not share my point of view.  This is great - tell me so and we can have a conversation! :)

It could also be that I make jokes about something you think you're guilty of or that I criticize something that is close to your heart.  There'll be times when you may think, "is she having a go at me, here?"  Don't suffer in silence - ask me!  I guarantee there'll be another side to the story.

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